

Beauty of Water has worked in India and the USA so far. We look forward to working in more places when the time is right. Here are some of our accomplishments, with links to more information:

  • Seattle Green Festival
  • Collaborative Painting
  • Rainbow Rainstick
  • Art on NISH Campus

Rainsticks in Seattle

More than 120 children and young at heart made RAINSTICKS with Beauty of Water at Seattle Green Festival in 2010. This fun activity was made possible through:

  • donations from Creation Station
  • and Harbor Square Athletic Club;
  • leadership by Caroline Cumming,
  • Sustainable Seattle’s Leah Werner,

…and lots of awesome volunteers, including Rehea Bible & Molly Mullins, shown above. THANKS, ALL!

Check out this 10-image slideshow to catch the spirit of the weekend.
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Collaborative Painting

Rainbow Rainstick

Gena Rabinowitz and Emily Frost launched the Beauty of Water rainstick making campaign during an arts and environment summer camp for children in Oakland, California. This slideshow Gena provided, and a blog posting share the poetry and magic of this first rainstick making event… And more are coming!
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Scriber Lake High School Mini-Course

Students at Scriber Lake (Alternative) High School explored art inspired by visits to a beach on the Puget Sound during a spring mini-course. View the slideshow for a glimpse into the five day workshop. This blog posting shares more of the inner workings, which included projects and presentations of photos, videos, music, poetry, and stories.

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  • SWE Downspout
  • Kerala Backwaters Workshop
  • Scriber Lake High School Mini-Course
  • Arts & Healing Network Award

Clearly a Downspout

Spirit of Water Edmonds kicked off its arts / education / rainwater catchment system project with a subtle yet attention-getting clear downspout, a brainchild of Fabric of Life founder Carol Schillios and implemented by local artist Mona T. Smiley-Fairbanks with support and collaboration from many volunteers. This short slideshow provides a glimpse of the fun!
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Kerala Backwaters Workshop

As a part of the Raja Ravi Varma College of Fine Arts 6-month Learning Series, Beauty of Water partnered with numerous art professionals to create a 5-day Kerala Backwaters workshop.

This 38-image slideshow shows some of the profound artmaking and water appreciating experiences made possible through collaboration with Shijo Jacob, A.P.Sunil, N.N.Rimzon, Latha Kurien Rajeev, Rajan Krishnan, C. Saratchandran, Dr. PS Harikumar, V.Sasikumar, and others who made the whole Learning Series a success. Liza Behrendt’s Backwaters Journal, kept during the workshop, was published by

Check out the Lake Sasthamkotta trip slideshow and related blog postings too. Thanks V. Sasikumar for many of the photos.

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Art on NISH Campus

The National Institute of Speech and Hearing (NISH) hosted a two-day Beauty of Water experience on campus in Trivandrum, Kerala, India. This slideshow captures some of the delight. A story from The Indian Express and this blog posting share students’ reflections on our time together.

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Award for Visionary Work

What kind of art is this?

Beauty of Water sits at the crossroads between social sculpturecommunity art, and environmental art or ecoart.

    © Beauty of Water

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